My hair is verrrry thin, but I have tons and tons of it (not in terms of length, but in the sheer number of strands of hair). My hair goes to several inches below my shoulder in two long layers. It also naturally waves.
I generally blow dry it in sections, but I currently use no product because my hair never keeps a style--nothing seems to work, no matter the product or style. I'm going to a cocktail party soon and have no idea what to do to my hair--or what to use to style it with. Suggestions?
What products should I use on my thin hair?
try products that add volume. speak with your hairdresser.
What products should I use on my thin hair?
volumizers and anti frizz
What products should I use on my thin hair?
A voluminizing shampoo will provide lift and a thickening or strengthening shampoo will...well, thicken and strengthen. Washing thin hair daily is a must because the oils on your head permeate your thin hair faster, making your seem oily and dirty faster. Plus those oils weigh your hair down and those with thin hair don't need that. As for the party, try washing your hair the day of the party and doing a classic, clean chignon or something. Spritz your hair a little bit with some no-frizz stuff and, if you want, try applying a voluminizing gel or serum as your are drying your hair. good luck and enjoy the party!
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